Name List

  • 1st Row Sitting from Left to Right : Jorgy Juana, Sulaiman Hamdan, Camillo Cheng, Mr Mathew, Bro Aidan, Mr Punose, Mr Thomas, Bro Raphael, Ms Raffle, Bro Frederick, Mr George Zechary, Dahlan Anud, Orlando Tann, Jimmy Augustin. 2nd Row Standing from Left to Right : Kenneth Awang, Arpa Mapaireh, Chong Nyuk Woo, Wong Man Kong, Chin Lee Wah, Chong Voon Hing, Chu Sai Kee, Hiew Hon Hiung, Chiang Piang Thiam, Francis Fong, Phun Vui Poo, Julius Ho, Chung Hee Menn, Fu Ka Hung, Kwan Kar Choi. 3rd Standing From Left to Right : Wahid Wahab, Ibrahim Said, Chong Nyuk Fong, Jimmy Gimbad, Victor Ng Jong Fui, Sim Kang Loon, Chong Ken Foh, Chang Kon Sang, Sunarchin Kama, Tommy Siew, Chung Tze Ting, Ho Tze Meng, Koh Chiat Hong, Khoo Puay Guan, James Chai, Edward Chik, Sin Ka Hiew.

29 August 2008

Movies - old & new

Hi All,

Are these showing yet in Sandakan? I still can remember with fond memories all the good western films (Ben Hur, the Graduate) & Mandarin films (one armed swordman) were screened in Rex cinema (one employee used to fight with our beloved Tommy Siew whose father's shop was just next door) and the Cantonese films in Happy Valley (correct name?) in Tanah Merah where Sim Kum Lung grew up. I suppose these two cinemas and Cathay cinema are now gone?

Name: Hubert

23 August 2008

Our Re-union: Let's brainstorm some ideas

Dear all,

Richard reminded us our plan for our re-union. I think it's about time that we start brainstorming some ideas. Bear in mind, purpose of brainstorming is to gather all possible ideas. No matter how weird they are, at the brainstorming stage we should not shoot down any ideas we don't like or we don't think are practical. If possible, give reasons to support your idea.

I'll start with mine as below:

  1. WHEN? I propose 3 years from now. Should be long enough for those from far away countries to plan ahead. Originally I thought of 5 years as by that time we should have retired but I heard some voices saying they can't wait that long. Can't be shorter, as I think we have less than 20% of the "lost sheep" found so far!
  2. WHERE? Sandakan, as that's where our alma mater St. Mary's is.
  3. WHAT? The highlight would be a ball at a hotel say the Ramada (formerly Sabah Hotel) with dinner, a live band belting out oldies, shows, speeches, lucky draws, contest for the most youngest looking, most mature looking, most hair, least hair, etc. However, one evening will not be enough to catch up with everybody. So there should be some lunch and/or dinner buffet before the day of the ball event. This would allow everyone to freely mix around. During or after the buffet, there should be some workshop sessions for each to talk about himself followed by Q&A.
  4. HOW? A souvenir booklet will be produced. Advertisement from companies owned or associated by some of us will help towards the cost of the publication and the costs of organising the re-union.
So Richard as you meet differnt ones you can remind them to generate more ideas. Before I sign off, remember don't comment on the above proposals yet at this stage - instead let us hear your ideas.

Name: Hubert

19 August 2008

Life after St. Mary's - Hubert

Well, Ronnie had written his - see the comments under the trip to Telupid. So I better do mine and I hope others will follow suit.

Kwan Kar Choi (Edmond), Julius Ho, Khoo Pui Guan and I went to UK together to study. We were kindly met by Albert Goh who took care of us in London. Then after that we went our separate ways, with Edmond staying at London, Julius and Pui Guan to North England (Teeside?) and myself to Nottingham, Robin Hood's 'home', where I pursued a degree in Quantity Surveying.

I spent my third year training in Southampton and after graduation in 1977, worked in London until I got a job with the Mass Transit Railway in Hong Kong in April 1979. Never thought of going to or settling down in HK - I thought if someone paid me an air ticket more than halfway to Malaysia, why not take the job?

I met my wife in the office and that's the main reason why I stayed back in HK. I had visited Canada a few times and liked it very much and as my parents and siblings (by 1980) have all emigrated to Canada, I would have liked to join them but alas Quantity Surveyors are unheard of in Canada. I would not want to change my profession. I did apply to Australia vis-a-vis the perceived threat of China's control after 1997 and was asked by the Australian embassy to go for an interview but as my parents preferred me to join them in Canada, I did not proceed further with the application.

My Malaysian passport is the last resort in case things went sour after 1997, so I did not bother with going elsewhere.

I worked for various companies but stayed with China Light & Power longest (20 years). Now I'm working with a QS consultant looking after one of the Phases of the Venetian Hotel & Resorts project in Macau.

Although I have met a few of you, on and off, I think I'm the loneliest one as far as being able to see our former classmates. In fact, apart from Robert Foo, I have not seen anyone of you guys at least over the last 13 years and the majority of you since St Mary's days. How I yearn to see you all in our re-union!

Name: Hubert (Most of you knew me as Henry Hiew but as there were a few Henry Hiews around in Sabah I thought Hubert would be cool and so have adopted it since don't know when, maybe soon after landing in UK!)

12 August 2008



The camping trip was organised by Thomas Siew in Form 4 to Telupid.

As much as I would like to join, my father would not allow me to go so I gave it a miss. Then, how did I laid my hand on the photo? No idea!

I remembered the gang (without me) were supposed to camp in the open but somehow, they sweet talked the local school Principal to allow them to camp overnight inside a class room.... in the photo, are Sim Kang Loon, Hubert Hiew and Ho Chi Ming.

Were the two lying down ,,, Thomas Siew and Chung Tze Ting?

Thomas Siew kept telling me that he would get me his old photos for posting on the blog but .......

Kon Sang

Jumping for Joy

Dear All, This is what Clement wrote first before my posting. Sorry for the confusion.

Our blog is so quiet.... maybe you can post this on our blog.

I used to be able to post the e-mail but with the latest change made to safe guard it, I am out and cannot post it anymore!

Kon Sang

----- Original Message -----
From: Management Department, KK(Web Mail)
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 3:59 PM
Subject: Jumping For Joy


I believe this photo was taken after our Form 5 examination... hooray, the exam was at last over!

But then, we had to go our separate ways (I mean the whole class and not just those featured in the photo) ..... Some continued our Form 6 in St Mary's ... 3 (including me) went to KK to study Form 6 in La Salle. Sim Kang Loon went to work in MAS. Sandakan.... etc etc

Now after 38 long years, (1970 - 2008) we are trying to re-establish contacts again.

Some are still in Sandakan, a few in K Kinabalu, some in Australia (Edward Chik, James Chai, Richard Chan), one in New Zealand (Ho Chee Min) also in Canada (Victor Ng, Chong Nyuk Woo, Robert Fu) , USA (Camillo Cheng, Chung Tze Ting) and HK ( Hubert Hiew).

Gosh, we were all then in the same class room in Sandakan in 1970!

Kon Sang
Name: Hubert

Jumping for Joy

Thanks Clement. I didn't even remember having this fantastic photo taken. Can you remember where it was taken and who is that guy with his face blocked? I must admit I haven't tried hard to search my old photos in my "attic" where my Mrs. kept all what she considers "junks"!!!

Other guys, come on, send me some old photos and also your recent ones too as I haven't seen most of your faces since we separated after Form 3,5 or 6 as the case maybe.

Name: Hubert