Name List

  • 1st Row Sitting from Left to Right : Jorgy Juana, Sulaiman Hamdan, Camillo Cheng, Mr Mathew, Bro Aidan, Mr Punose, Mr Thomas, Bro Raphael, Ms Raffle, Bro Frederick, Mr George Zechary, Dahlan Anud, Orlando Tann, Jimmy Augustin. 2nd Row Standing from Left to Right : Kenneth Awang, Arpa Mapaireh, Chong Nyuk Woo, Wong Man Kong, Chin Lee Wah, Chong Voon Hing, Chu Sai Kee, Hiew Hon Hiung, Chiang Piang Thiam, Francis Fong, Phun Vui Poo, Julius Ho, Chung Hee Menn, Fu Ka Hung, Kwan Kar Choi. 3rd Standing From Left to Right : Wahid Wahab, Ibrahim Said, Chong Nyuk Fong, Jimmy Gimbad, Victor Ng Jong Fui, Sim Kang Loon, Chong Ken Foh, Chang Kon Sang, Sunarchin Kama, Tommy Siew, Chung Tze Ting, Ho Tze Meng, Koh Chiat Hong, Khoo Puay Guan, James Chai, Edward Chik, Sin Ka Hiew.

23 December 2012

Wishing All St Mary's Old Boys
Merry X'mas & A Happy 2013


Kon Sang
23 Dec 2012

12 November 2012

REUNION - 11.11.12

REUNION ON 11.11 12

After 11.11.11 Reunion in Sandakan, a reunion after 40 years (1970-2011), we had a follow up Reunion in Kota Kinabalu on 11.11.12 on its 1st anniversary.

Francis Fong was again our ring leader behind this Reunion. He was the contact person for our Sandakan Old Boys whilst I was appointed by Francis as the contact person for K Kinabaku Old Boys and also in charge of the Reunion Dinner arrangement.

We celebrated the Reunion in Supertanker Restaurant in Kota Kinabalu.

Altogether, 15 Old Boys attended - 5 Old Boys from Sandakan and 10 from Kota Kinabalu. This turnout was not bad .... less than half the Sandakan 2011 attendance - but without any overseas Old Boys.

Hailing from Sandakan were Francis Fong, Chung Ket Chung, Pun Vui Poh, Steven Ng and John Liau.

From Kota Kinabalu, were Kwan Kar Choi, Khoo Puay Guan, Tommy Siew, Sim Kang Loong, Leong Ming Yee, Wong Man Kong, Leong Yun Choi, Alfred Pang Su Kong, Benedict Tai and Chang Kon Sang.

Some Sandakan Old Boys were there early chatting away when I turned up before 7 pm ...... by 7.30 pm.... all the 15 Old Boys had arrived.

The smartest dressed Old Boys were Sim Kang Loong (in his long sleeve batik) and Chung Ket Ching (in a traditional Chinese jacket). Tommy Siew was in his trade mark attire. We were all happily chatting away, reminiscencing our st Mary's days, many armed with cameras to take the reunion snapshots during the night.

We were there until the restaurant closed at 10 pm and we were politely told to call an end to our reunion chatter by the boss lady who knew me, Kar Choi and Puay Guan being her regular customers.

Most Old Boys later adjourned to a nearby coffee shop to continue their "Those Were The Days" chatter.

We all enjoyed the night out together .........

 Kon Sang

18 September 2012


The dinner was organised by Fu Ka Onn (Class of 71) and from our Class of 1970, Richard Chan, Leong Ming Yee and myself attended the reunion.

Kon Sang

29 August 2012

Brother Aiden

Hi Old Boys

On 28 (Tuesday) afternoon, I was invited by Francis Fong to join him for Hi Tea in KK town.

On 27 August (Monday), Fu Ka Onn dropped in my office to give me a piece of good news. Our St Mary's Brother Aiden (of Man From UNCLR fame) is invited by St Mary's Class of 1971 for a Reunion in Sandakan. He will be in Sandakan on 14- 16 September.

Brother Aiden, then accompanied by Fu Ka Onn, will stop over in K Kinabalu on 17 September on his way back to Ireland.

Fu Ka Onn is inviting all our St Mary Old Boys residing in K Kinabalu for a reunion evening with Bro Aiden on 17 September evening. He called on me to spread the news and I had SMS the invitation to all our KK resident Old Boys.... Tommy Siew, Kwan Kar Choi (declined as in Cambodia) , Khoo Puay Guan, Chung He Meng, Sim Kang Loong, Julius Ho, George Ho, Benedict Tai (declined as have wedding dinner on same nite) , Leong Ming Yee, Leong Ying Choi & Wong Wan Kong.

Will report the event if I can join the KK Reunion..................

Kon Sang

07 August 2012

Francis Fong - KK Old Boys Dinner

Francis Fong invited a few KK Old Boys to a mini reunion dinner on 6 August 2012 (Monday) in Mayflower Restaurant, K Kinabalu.
Standing R-L Albert Koh Chiat Hong, Sim Kang Loong, Kwan Kar Choi, Francis Fong, Chang Kon Sang
Seated R-L - Tommy Siew, Benedict Tai , Won Wan Kong
Absent with apology - Leong Ming Yee/ Chung Hee Meng
Invited but declined as out of town - Julius Ho, Khoo Puay Guan,

10 February 2012


A)   To All,  today is 3 months' time from date of
       Reunion on  11.11.2011.
       The year of the Dragon has just started and wish all the best
       of health and looking forward the good days in all the
       proceeding years towards us.

      1)  Getting Together After The Reunion
Victor Ng Jong Fui and Tommy siew

Clement Chang Kon Sang  and  Victor Ng Jong Fui
     After the Reunion, Victor Ng Jong Fui, Tommy Siew,
    Clement Chang Kon Sang visited the St. Michael's Church,
    Sandakan on 12.11.2011 before leaving Sandakan back to
    Canada and Kota Kinabalu respectively.  They look young
    and happy.

     2)  James Chai Was In Town After The Reunion
Victor Ng Jong Fui  and  James Chai
     James Chai was back to Sandakan from Brisbane to attend
     some personal matters on 12.11.2011 and meeting up with
     Victor Ng Jong Fui to have a glass of juice on 14.11.2011.

Victor Ng Jong Fui, Chai Hing Wing  and
James Chai
      James Chai and Victor Ng Jong Fui continued the journey to
      visit the Oldest Goldsmith Owner Chai Hing Wing in town
      called Kin Sing Goldsmith on 14.11.2011  

Chai Hing Wing, Peter Ha (Teacher), James Chai,
Victor Ng Jong Fui, Late sin Ka Hiew,  Francis Fong
 and  Chong Khen Foh
     Victor Ng Jong Fui, James Chai, Chai Hing Wing continued
     down the lane to Hotel Sandakan to have "Dim Sum" lunch
     where they met Peter Ha (Teacher), Late Sin Ka Hiew,
     Francis Fong and Chong Kon Foh.  Altogether they shared the
     old days good memories, talking about good health and
     enjoyed the lunch happily from 12.00pm to 2.00pm on
     14.11.2011.  The "Dim Sum" lunch was sponsored by
     Chai Hing Wing.

     3)  Khoo Puay Guan's Son Wedding Dinner
Jorgy Juana, Khoo Puay Guan,
Francis Fong and George Ho
Khoo Puay Guan, Francis Fong,
Kwan Kar Choi and Julius Ho
     Jorgy Juana and I myself went down from Sandakan to
     Kota Kinabalu to attend Khoo Puay Guan's Son Wedding
     Dinner held at The Grand Ballroom, Magellan Sutera, Sutera
     Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu on 18.12.2011.  At the
     dinner both of us met Julius Ho, George Ho and Kwan Kar
     Choi.  Clement Chang Kon Sang was in the United States
     of America on a holiday trip at that time.

     4)  Lawrance Chong Shui Lun's Daughter Wedding Dinner 
Mr. & Mrs.Lawrance Chong Shui Lun, Bride and
Bridegroom happily toasting
with Jorgy Juana and Francis Fong

Facing Camera:  Jorgy Juana, Francis Fong,
Mrs. Francis Fong,  Mrs. Koh Chiat Hong,
Koh Chiat Hong,   Late Sin Ka Hiew
Face Hidden From Camera:  John Liau,
Lee Len Wing, Chai Hing Wing and
Lawrance Chong Shui Lun
     Albert Koh Chiat Hong, Francis Fong, John Liau,
     Late Sin Ka Hiew, Jorgy Juana, Chai Hing Wing and
     Lee Len Wing attended Lawrance Chong Shui Lun's
     daughter Wedding Dinner held at The Grand Ballroom,
     Sabah Hotel, Sandakan on 01.12.2011.  We mentioned
     our Reunion to be held on 12.12.2012,  but remained silent.
     We had a good old laugh as referred to the "Old School
     Days"  and brought back a lot of good memories.

     5)  Joseph Chin Chee Kiong (Form 3 Classmate)
          Daughter's Wedding Dinner    .
     Albert Koh Chiat Hong, Francis Fong, Chung Ket
     Chung attended Joseph Chin Chee Kiong daughter's
     Wedding Dinner held at The Yu Yuan Multi-Purpose
     Hall, mile 4, North Road, Sandakan on 10.01.2012. 
    We mentioned about our Reunion be changed to
    11.11.12 and not 12.12.2012, but remained silent.
     6)  James Chiang was in Town From Brisbanse  
Lawrance Chong Shui Lun,  James Chiang,  Francis Fong
       James Chiang was in town for about a week spending his
      Chinese New Year celebration in Sandakan and Lawrance
      Chong Shui Lun, Francis Fong managed to meet him at the
      Kedai Kopitan, Bandar Kim Fung, mile 4, Sandakan on
      27.01.2012.  Lawrance Chong Shui Lun called Jorgy Juana
      just to inform him to join us but he did not turn up because
      he was having function at that time.  James Chiang talked
      more about the old school days when he was in the
      St. Mary's Town Primary School up to Primary 6.

B)  Highlight Of The Year - 1st Anniversary
      St. Mary's Old Boys Annual Dinner
     I wish to forward my proposal to all that my intention is to
     organize a small party just to celebrate our 1st Anniversary
     St. Mary's Old Boys Annual Dinner and not a Reunion
     Programs to be held at Kota Kinabalu on 11.11.2012
     and is a Sunday.

     1)  Subject Matter:  1st Anniversary St. Mary's
                                 Old Boys Annual Dinner

     2)  Subject Duties:   No Organizer, Committee
                                  Members are required

     3)  Date              :   Fixed on 11.11.2012

     4)  Venue            :  a)  Arrangement Of Food -
                                     i) Table Type Dinner if
                                         participants  confirmed
                                         of attending before
                                         due date.
                                    ii)  Buffet Dinner if participants
                                         unable to confirm before
                                         due date
                                 b)  Time and Place:  To be arranged
                                 c)   Arrangement of Happy Hours: 
                                       After dinner, it shall be too early
                                       to call it a night for early birds
                                       and may go for a favourite drinks
                                       altogether at Bukit Padang Cafe
                                       where drinks are much cheaper,
                                       the place is breezy and will open
                                       after midnight.  So, everybody
                                       can continue to chat on  "Those
                                       were the Days",  "The young Ones" 
                                       until closing time.

     5)  Cost Of Food   :     RM100.00 (Food Only)
                                    The access if any shall set
                                    off for the drinks.

     6)  Cost Of Drinks :     Group paying total bill ?  
                                    or any suggestions ?

     7)  Attendance From Sandakan:  Francis Fong,
                                                  Chong Shui Lun,
                                                  Jorgy Juana,
                                                  John Liau,
                                                  Chung Ket Chung
                                                  Stephen Ng

          Chong Shui Lun and Jorgy Juana saying that they wish
          to go early may be on the 09.11.2012 to have a
          Golf Game in Kota Kinabalu.

     8)  Other Attendances From Other Places:  
          Any voluntees to arrange ?


Best Regards

Posted By:  Francis Fong Hen Kuen      
                 Dated 11.02.2012