Some selected previous mails below. You can post new messages or post your comments. You need a gmail account. If you do not have one, use this one: and the password is "Goldfinger". Don't forget to sign off with your name!
Dear All Old boys of St. Mary's (Form 5 1970 batch), How are you all? I trust you are all well. I managed to keep in constant touch with Clement Chang only. So it was good to hear from Richard Chan again. Then I thought of establishing a contact list of all the old boys of St. Mary's (Form 5 1970 batch). Hence this email to all you guys. The list should capture all the old boys from the 1970 Form 5 Class A (others may also be considered) and each and everyone of us should pitch in to expand this initial list of 5 people only. For those who receive this email (now and subsequent to this first email of mine), please
1. complete the attached excel list
2. forward this email with the updated excel file to those with whom you keep in touch, AND copy to all in the mailing list.
With our network list,
1. we can plan our re-union say in 2013 when most of us would be at least 60 years old and would have retired and therefore should be free to travel
2. we can keep in touch by emailing to one another no matter in which corner of the earth we are living.
Looking forward to hearing from you all, Regards,Hubert Hiew
Hi All, Wonderful!! Hubert had the jump on me, thanks. Much appreciated. I hadbeen slowly getting emails of the few of us and through other contactsto meet up with old class mates. Guess we are all getting on in lifeand the wish of seeing old school friensds gets stronger every year.(speaking personally that is). Richard
Hi All,
I hope & wish this will snowball into a good source of information for"lost" contacts. Thanks Hubert for the extra info on Bros Xavier &Frederick. Edward told us about Victor & Fu Ka Hung but not sure ifthey use emails. Lee Len Hock & L.L.Wing (the twins) are in Sandakan; contact LawrenceChong to find them. As well as Kwan Sang Ming (he was in the townprimary but drop back a year @ Primary 4, I think. Hubert, I'd sent the Old Boys List in a separate email as well - mycomputer at home is playing up. The Form 5 photo is curtesy of EdwardChik (he'd sent that to me a few years back). Cheers,Richard
Hi, Guys
Jude Ng has taught us some useful lessons about life. In some way, many of us have been living like Robinson Crusoe, all alone by ourselves on our little islands. The only thing that has helped us in maintaining our sanity is our daily talking companions, our wives. Friday was Robinson's talking companion and he (Friday) was the reason Robinson was able to carry on living on his island.
What I wanted to say is that it is unsatisfactory for us to carry on living like Robinson, even with our Fridays by our side. We need to get off our little islands and re-establish contact and re-build relationships with our former school mates. Life has a lot more to offer us than our hitherto Robinson-like existence.
Welcome, Victor, to our growing club
James Chai