Name List

  • 1st Row Sitting from Left to Right : Jorgy Juana, Sulaiman Hamdan, Camillo Cheng, Mr Mathew, Bro Aidan, Mr Punose, Mr Thomas, Bro Raphael, Ms Raffle, Bro Frederick, Mr George Zechary, Dahlan Anud, Orlando Tann, Jimmy Augustin. 2nd Row Standing from Left to Right : Kenneth Awang, Arpa Mapaireh, Chong Nyuk Woo, Wong Man Kong, Chin Lee Wah, Chong Voon Hing, Chu Sai Kee, Hiew Hon Hiung, Chiang Piang Thiam, Francis Fong, Phun Vui Poo, Julius Ho, Chung Hee Menn, Fu Ka Hung, Kwan Kar Choi. 3rd Standing From Left to Right : Wahid Wahab, Ibrahim Said, Chong Nyuk Fong, Jimmy Gimbad, Victor Ng Jong Fui, Sim Kang Loon, Chong Ken Foh, Chang Kon Sang, Sunarchin Kama, Tommy Siew, Chung Tze Ting, Ho Tze Meng, Koh Chiat Hong, Khoo Puay Guan, James Chai, Edward Chik, Sin Ka Hiew.

30 December 2008

Letter from Bro Xavier (David)

Dear All,

I would like to share this letter from Bro Xavier with you all. Please also note Bro Frederick as mentioned in the letter is not well and is 79 years old. Please feel free to write to him. I think you can use Brother Xavier's address but pls remember to use "C/O Brother David (Xavier)".

Hubert Hiew

03 December 2008

FW: Edward, Apart from testing the validity of your...

Hubert Hiew

Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 18:29:22 +1000
Subject: Re: Edward, Apart from testing the validity of your...

Only manage to meet up with Chong Khen Foh, Chong Sui Loon, Sin Ka Hiew, Jorgy Juana nd Victor Ng while in Sandakan.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Hubert Hiew <> wrote:


Apart from testing the validity of your new e address, just a reminder for you to send some photos (I hope you did take some) of your reunion with some of our ex-classmates and post them on our blog.

Pls acknowledge receipt of this mail.


19 November 2008

Turkish Delight


Just introducing my family by sharing a photo of me and my wife taken in Turkey. My 3 sons all shy away from posting their images on this blog ........
We were married on 4 November 1978 and so we have just celebrated our 30 year wedding anniversary.
We have 3 sons and as much as my wife would like to have a daughter to keep her company, our 3rd child turned out to be another son and we decided to call it a day.
My wife is a home maker since 1 October 1984 when our family moved from Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu. My eldest son is 27 and a lawyer and second son is 25 and an accountant. My third son is taking his Form 5 Government examination now and is 17.


Kon Sang

15 November 2008

Goldfinger attending Hubert's wedding dinner

Dear All,

I thought you may like to see some photos of Goldfinger attending my wedding dinner in 1983. You may note in the bottom photo his habit of putting his finger over his left eye - can you still recall? In the middle photo, next to him on his left is a Mr. Lai - our old boy but can't remember how many years our senior. Further next to him is Alex Wong, son of one of the Chung Kong Company partners (Sandakan) - he studied in St Michael I think.

Hubert Hiew

12 November 2008

Dear All,
A snap of our mini-mini re-union when Chong Khen For came to visit me recently. I meant to attach a photo of us two back in 1970 but alas I couldn't find the photo yet.

Hubert Hiew

28 October 2008

Tommy Says

Hi Classmates,
I was asked by Tommy to post these 2 photos for your viewing.
Tommy Siew just came back to KK from China on 25 Oct (Saturday).
According to Tommy handwritten notes on the back of the photos, it was a Soul Dance Competition on Chi Hwa Beach on 1 April 1970.
Tommy was dancing with Chung Hee Meng. Hubert Hiew was not such a good dancer and settled down to solo guitar playing.
In the background, were Chiang Piang Thiam and Pang Mui Po.
In the oher photo, Chung Tze Ting was in the photo but not Chung Hee Meng.
Presume Chung Tze Ting and Chung Hee Meng were taking turn to snap the shots!
Tommy told me he was burnt by the Stock Markets but he regarded these as mere "Paper Losses" and it does not deter him to fly to Canada for his next holiday!
Some are just born lucky!
Kon Sang (for Tommy Siew)

03 October 2008

KK ST MARYS RE-UNION on 2 Oct 2008

Hi Classmates & Friends,

We already had a Mini Reunion in K Kinabalu on the second day of Hari Raya.

I got a call from Sin Ka Hiew (SKH) about 12.10 pm to come out for a drink at Burger King, Damai, near Foh Sang. I asked if he was with his family as SKH lives in Sandakan. No, he was with old St Mary classmates and rolled out a few names whom I had no inkling. Never mind, I said I would be there within 15 minutes and I bet I knew them.

As I entered Burger King, I saw 3 men sitting at the same table with SKH and as I approached, I found out that I knew none! But they all gave me a friendly smile as they knew I was Kon Sang and most probably they had not seen me for years as well. As I shook hand, I began to recognise one (Chung Tet Chung), his face but not his name. Then the second face (David Leong Yun Choi) also looked familiar after a few glances but again no clue as to his name. The third face (Pang Su Kiong) was not so familiar but he came from St Marys Town School and I must knew him!

SKH then called Chung Hee Menn (he could not come as he was in Kolombong visiting his Muslim friends but promised to look up SKH that night), Chong Sui Lun, Lawrence (could not get through as out of range? He drove from Sandakan and spent the night in Kundasang and could be on his way down to KK), Benedict Tai (who came), Richard Leong Min Yee (who came) and Albert Lee (no answer).

I called Thomas Siew to join us but he was in KL enroute to China yet again! So SKH talked to him briefly over my hand phone enquiing if there was anything good in China for him (SKH)!

We did not have Julius Ho and Kwan Kar Choi handphone contact with us and could not contact them to meet.

We talked about old times until 4.30 pm when the downpour began and we headed for home.

Personally, I was touched to see all of them, all so friendly in our advanced ages talking about our school days in St Marys.

Most of them left St Marys after Form 3 Government Exam as one needed a Grade B minimum to proceed to Form 4.


Kon Sang

22 September 2008

Re - union

Sorry, I forget to put down my name.

Name: Sin Ka Hiew


I am making reference to the mail from James Chai. I do agree with him that we will take years to get everyone on board to attend the Reunion. But what can we do ? Better half the class than no Reunion al all, Right ? This should not have dampened ou spirit for the Reunion. Let us go ahead with what we have planned.
I do not know whether the following contacts will help

Chung Hee Menn - K. Kinabalu 0168379548
Chu Sai Kee - Sandakan 0168218204
Chang Piam thiam - Sandakan 0138339638
Francis Fong - Sandakan 0198336433
Sim Kang Loon - K. Kinabalu 0128670548
Poon Vui Poh - Sandakan - Operting a coffee shop directly opposite he Sandakan
Police station at mile 1 1/2, Will look for him
Looking forward to the Reunion.


20 September 2008

Reunion of less than half the class?


Are we planning a reunion of less than half the class? Is it possible to have a reunion of less than half the class?

It seems that we still have not been able to locate the whereabouts or establish email or any form of contact with the following gentlemen:-

1. Chong Nyuk Woo (Canada)
2. Wong Wan Kong (where?)
3. Julius Ho (where?)
4. Julian Chong Voon Hing (where?)
5. Lawrence Chung Hee Meng (where?)
6. Poon Vui Po (where?)
7. Khoo Puay Kuan (where?)
8. Chin Lee Wah (Sandakan but where?)
9. Ho Chi Min (where?)
10. Jimmy Augustine (where?)
11. Sulaiman bin Hamdan (where?)
12. Kenneth bin Awang (where?)
13. Francis Fong (where?)
14. Chu Sai Kee (Sandakan but where?)
15. Chang Piang Tiam (Sandakan but where?)
16. Jimmy Gimbad (Sandakan but where)
17. John Bagiu (where)
18. Sim Kang Loon (where)
19. Many more (where)

That's why I believe we'll need at least 5 years to locate them and bring them on board. Wthout them, it's going to be a reunion of less than half the class!

Once we landed in Sandakan, we can easily drop invitation cards at Klinik Ong, Camera Studio and C H Koh & Co. But it's not going to be so simple with regard to those gentlemen listed above.

Can anyone suggest some bright ideas?


18 September 2008

Brother Rapael Egan

Bro. EGAN, Raphael FSC
Brother Raphael Egan, F.S.C. R.I.P.

Brother Raphael Egan joined the Brothers in Castletown, Ireland.
He was posted to Hong Kong in 1947 and took up a teaching post in La Salle College and his past pupils still speak of his kindly manner and of the new impetus he gave to their formerly boring hours in the classroom.
After two years he was appointed Director and Principle of St. Joseph's College which was still recovering from the ravages of war. He set about re-furnishing and reorganising, recruiting better teachers and encouraging the pupils to make up for the four years of schooling they has missed as a result of the Japanese Occupation. When he left after nine years, St. Joseph had regained its former reputation of being one of the leading schools in Hong Kong.
After a lapse of some thirteen years, Brother Raphael was later transferred back to Hong Kong and took charge of La Salle College, Kowloon. He discovered that the school was over-crowded and some of the classrooms were not up to the standard he would like. He soon set his mind on a new College. We now see the result of his planning in the new College on La Salle Road, acclaimed by many to be the finest school building in Asia. Even some Brothers on holiday from famous colleges in America were heard to say "Gee, Brother, we have nothing like this in the U.S."
One of his great assets was his candour and the hold he had over people who got to know him; they were willing to spend time, energy and where possible, money to help him to adchieve his plans. He never lost a friend and even during the painful days towards to end of this life he was constantly writing letters to rich and poor alike in Europe, Asia and America. He was always very concerned about the pupils in his school and very generous in a quiet way to those in financial need. On one occasion a little boy fell on a broken bottle near the school and received a deep gash. He was brought into the Office bleeding profusely. Brother Raphael immediately phoned an ambulance and accompanied the boy to Queen Mary Hospital. The Doctor decided that a blood transfusion was advisable. A Nursing Sister come to Brother Raphael and said there was a severe shortage of blood and if no donor came forward they would have to charge a fee. Brother immediately stretched out his arm, pulled up his sleeve saying: "plenty of it here Sister."
There is no doubt but he will he remembered by many and his passing will be deeply mourned. He was always a very deeply religious person, but it came so natural to him that it could pass unnoticed to casual observers. He had a strong devotion to the Mass and to our Blessed Lady. During his final painful months he never complained and it would seem that during much of his time alone was given to prayer. He died in Ireland on 23 July 1990.

17 August 1990

Dear All,

I got this article on Brother Raphael from Google. I believe it's an obituary or eulogy. Sorry I can't upload his photo for some unknown IT technical reasons. It's very touching. It's a pity that there is no mention of his time in Sandakan - I think that's during the 13 years' lapse mentioned in the article.

I visited him a couple of times here in Hong Kong. He also attended my wedding dinner party (Hope to post the photo taken then). He confided to me in one of my visits that he valued the true friendship of Malaysians, hinting that those so-called friends in HK are very much benefits-orientated.

My only regret is: I didn't know he was leaving HK for Ireland for good and therefore was not able to bid the last farewell to him.

What are your memorable recollections of our beloved Brother? Come on everyone just say something even short and concise. Don't just let the few of us do the "talking"!

Name: Hubert



When I do not have money to travel overseas, I make do with replicas of famous foreign tourist destinations...

So I pretend to visit Switzerland this week and got photos to prove...

Name: Kon Sang

16 September 2008

Old postings; Simple way to send your postings; Mysterious readers?

Dear All,

1. You will have noticed that I have deleted some of the postings which do not have our common sentimental nostalgic value. I put them up to liven the scene a bit during the previous lull.

2. To view the oldest postings which may not appear on the screen, refer to the right hand side of the blog screen and click into the month when they were posted.

3. To send your posting, simply send it to "stmaryoldboys.?????". For restricting this access only to you guys, I have not revealed the five letters in front of "". The missing 5 letters are the letters of the name of the road for the address of our school.

4. Our blogg is visited most from (refer to the map on the right hand side of the screen)
  • Hong Kong
  • Sabah (KK & Sandakan?)
  • Brisbane
  • USA West Coast (Ronnie & Camillo?)
  • USA East Coast (who?)
  • Sarawak (who?)
  • Singapore (who?)
  • Sydney (who?)

Can someone shed any light on who the mysterious visitors are from the last 4 last places in the above list?

You are encouraged to send in your postings. Happy blogging,

Hubert Hiew

13 September 2008

Re: Old Photo

Hi Guys,

I manage to get another photo from my album. The photo was taken during a party held inside a classroom same as those Kon Sang has posted. That night I have sang a song . The guy sitting on my left hand side was Chong Voon Hing and the guy at my right if I'm not mistaken was Wong Man Kong. Any body know where they are ?
Hubert. I shall seeing you on 29th or 30th, please wait for my call!


Khen Foh.

More chit chat from Down Under

Hi, guys

I'm sure you all will remember Edward's older brother, Dr Thomas Chik. He lives in the same suburb as Edward. Since their suburb is adjacent to mine, their places are just a 5 minute drive from my place. Thomas taught us Boyle's Law and Archimedes' Principle in Form 1. I haven't got a clue now what those things were all about although I could remember the subject headings! Matter of fact, I could remember exactly what subjects I chose to study for the Senior Cambridge exams but I couldn't remember even 2% of the subject contents! So, I don't know whether or not I've got a good education! Does anyone of you have this same problem? I guess many of you could do better than my <2%>

And there was also Peter Ha who taught us Maths in Form 1. That guy was a no nonsense, rock solid personality. I like the way he taught Maths which was my weakest subject. I believe Maths geniuses are born, not self-made. No matter how hard I tried, I found it hard to unravel Mathematical problems. I finally graduated with the minimal Mathematical skills, namely, addition and subtraction with reasonable speed, which were just enough for me to enter the accounting profession.

My Canon digital camera broke down immediately after the expiry of the warranty period. What rotten luck! And I haven't found time yet to shop around for a new one. As soon as I got a new one, I'll try to get my kids to take a good shot of myself and I'll post it on the blog. The rest of the family members are opposed to posting any of their photos on the internet. So, I need to respect their wishes.

James Chai

12 September 2008

Chong Khen Foh: before and after leaving St Mary's

Hi Hubert,
I enclose herewith one of my recent photo and one taken during Form 3 for your viewing. Hope you still can recognise me. Please help me to post it to the blog first as I still trying to dig some group photo for the blog.
Thank you

Name: Chong Khen Foh

11 September 2008

Australia, Australia, Australia.........

Hi, guys

King Soloman once said that there is nothing new under the sun. He must be right since he has been recognised as the wisest man who ever lived. When I was about to leave Malaysia for good in January 1993, I thought to myself - 'Oh, good, no more flies, mosquitoes & cockroaches' in a cool clean climate. Was I disappointed? You bet I was sorely disappointed. It turned out that it's worse in Australia, particularly in Queensland where I chose to settle down. They not only have all those vermins listed above. They also have numerous species of spiders of which the most common and poisonous ones are called 'redbacks'. You could be killed if not quickly treated within a few days of being bitten. Frankly, I couldn't remember ever being bothered by spiders back in Malaysia. And wonders of wonders, they also have household lizards running wild in residential homes. These are of the same kind and colour as those we were used to back in Malaysia.

And termites have been responsible for household repairs worth hundreds of millions of dollars around Australia. Almost every household needed to spend money on termite prevention treatment.

Last but not the least, we also need to look out for dangerous 'red ants' in our gardens. These are not your kind of red ants. These are very dangerous ones so much so that the Australian government needed to spend a lot of manpower and money to try to exterminate them.

The place where I live is very close to some private farm land where cattles roam around like free range chickens. The daily mooing and groaning from these beasts are a real nuisance and because of these animals, my locality has more flies during the summer. Every door and window must have a fly screen otherwise the daily invasion of flies will drive us crazy. The brief 3 or 4 cooler months in a year do provide us with some relief.

The constant talk about climate change is the most boring subject in this southern continent. And the Climate Change Minister in the Rudd Government, Ms Penny Wong, who was originally from Kota Kinabalu, was reckoned to be arguably the most influential person in Australia today. What a credit to Sabah's brain exports!


James Chai

10 September 2008

Back in the loop

Hi, guys

My apology for having been out of the loop for a while. No time to visit the blog during office hours and by the time I get back home every day, I'm only interested in hitting the pillow by 9.00 pm. I've just managed to follow up with the latest postings. Would someone be kind enough to provide an English translation of the Chinese essay for the enlightenment of the other 40% inadequately schooled old boys who can't read a word of Chinese? Not all our old boys are Chinese and many of the Chinese ones never went to a Chinese primary school. Unless an English translation is provided, this sizeable group of old boys will, regrettably, miss out on any wisdom that might be found in the Chinese essay.

I'm not ashamed to confirm that apart from the three characters of my Chinese name, I can't make head or tail of any other Chinese characters except, perhaps, the numbers 1, 2 & 3. You're blessed immeasurably if you also have a good command of both written and spoken Mandarin. But in my 15 years in Australia, I've found that a total lack of this blessing has not impeded my rapid rise in the professional world in Australia!

Happy blogging in the Queen's language (hopefully),


Gald to be able to send Mails to the Blog

I have been reading all mails from you guys all this while and some of us have been extremently quiet. Richard Chand was back in Sandakan last week and we managed to meet up with few others like Francis Fong, Lawrence Chong, Chong Ken Foh, Jorgy and myself. So nice to be together. All of us are in favour of 2010 for the re-union. Camillo, if you are reading this, you have been very quiet lately. I though you are not going to stop talking. When are you coming back to Sandakan ? Ronnie Chung, You still remember the good old days when I used to see you almost every Sunday when you are still in Kuala Lumpur ? To all those who are in KK, people lime Clement Chang, Tommy Siew, Sim Kang Loong, Benedict Tai, David Leong, how come I ws not able to see you fellows all the time I am there. I used to go to KK every now and then as both my children are working and staying in KK. The places I used to grequent while in KK are Damai, Taman Fohg Sang and Lintas for my tea and snack. Any chances of seeing you guys?
How about Foo Ka Hung and Edward Chick, Where are you guys now ? To Victor Ng and Chong Nyuk Voo, how are you ?

Name: Sin Ka Hiew

09 September 2008

hi guys

After reading the comments by Clement Chang, I am just trying if I can send e-mails

Name: Sin Ka Hiew

Railway Trip To Papar


This is for the few St Marys Form 6 Science students in 1972 (or 1971?). They were the selected to represent Sandakan in a Science Quiz or Debate on RTM Sabah (or Radio Sabah).

I remembered Kwan Kar Choi, Hubert Hiew, Camillo Cheng, Julius Ho and Khoo PK looking me up in La Salle. So I took leave from school to bring them around. I remembered Edward Chik and Lawrence Chung were having (Literature which I did not opt for in Form 6) classes. As Sandakan has no railway, I thought all must be thrilled to be able to enjoy a train ride! Somehow, we managed to go to the Kepayan Railway Station and took a railway trip down to Papar. I was familiar with Papar and been there by car (during my years in KK schooling in La Salle) but that was also my first train trip.

Those pictures tell a thousand words and I hope it can bring back memories to those on that memorable trip - at least to me!

Hopefully, this article can trigger some comments from them.


Kon Sang

05 September 2008



After managing to post a few comments on the blog, I am taking the next step to write up.

I am tasked by Hubert to wash my dirty linen on the blog and bare my life for all to enjoy! I could not do it as a comment on the blog as it is too small to contain my 38 years of failure and desperation in a tough world.

I need to post a write up to do justice to my 38 years after leaving St Mary's in 1970.

Before deciding YES or NO to Hubert suggestion to bare my life story (which I have yet to make up my mind) I need to re-test if I can post a write up onto the blog. I used to be able to but not after Hubert made some changes to block out intruders!

Here I go by posting a recent photo of myself taken in May 2008 in Kudat giving out a retirement souvenir and cheque to my then retiring Kudat Branch Manager. He was cropped out of the photo as he looks younger than me in the photo.

Kon Sang

01 September 2008

Ironies & Facts of Life

沒錢的時候,養豬; 有錢的時候,養狗。
沒錢的時候,在家裡吃野菜; 有錢的時候,在酒店吃野菜。
沒錢的時候,在馬路上騎自行車; 有錢的時候,在客廳裡騎自行車。
沒錢的時候想結婚; 有錢的時候想離婚。
沒錢的時候老婆兼秘書; 有錢的時候秘書兼老婆。
沒錢的時候假裝有錢; 有錢的時候假裝沒錢。
人啊,都不講實話: 說股票是毒品,都在玩; 說金錢是罪惡,都在撈;
說美女是禍水,都想要; 說高處不勝寒,都在爬;
說煙酒傷身體,就不戒; 說天堂最美好,都不去!!!
過去把第一次留給丈夫; 現在把第一胎留給丈夫。
鄉下早晨雞叫人, 城裡晚上人叫雞;
舊社會戲子賣藝不賣身, 新社會演員賣身不賣藝。
人生是什麼? 只 用 了 4 4 個 字 , 就 把 人 生 講 完 了 ...
所 以 人 與 人 , 有 啥 好 計 較 的 咧 ? 快樂好相處比較重要啦!

1 歲 時 出場亮相
10 歲 時 功課至上
20 歲 時 春心盪漾
30 歲 時 職場對抗
40 歲 時 身材發胖
50 歲 時 打打麻將
60 歲 時 老當益壯
70 歲 時 常常健忘
80 歲 時 搖搖晃晃
90 歲 時 迷失方向
100 歲 時 掛在牆上

Name: Hubert

29 August 2008

Movies - old & new

Hi All,

Are these showing yet in Sandakan? I still can remember with fond memories all the good western films (Ben Hur, the Graduate) & Mandarin films (one armed swordman) were screened in Rex cinema (one employee used to fight with our beloved Tommy Siew whose father's shop was just next door) and the Cantonese films in Happy Valley (correct name?) in Tanah Merah where Sim Kum Lung grew up. I suppose these two cinemas and Cathay cinema are now gone?

Name: Hubert

23 August 2008

Our Re-union: Let's brainstorm some ideas

Dear all,

Richard reminded us our plan for our re-union. I think it's about time that we start brainstorming some ideas. Bear in mind, purpose of brainstorming is to gather all possible ideas. No matter how weird they are, at the brainstorming stage we should not shoot down any ideas we don't like or we don't think are practical. If possible, give reasons to support your idea.

I'll start with mine as below:

  1. WHEN? I propose 3 years from now. Should be long enough for those from far away countries to plan ahead. Originally I thought of 5 years as by that time we should have retired but I heard some voices saying they can't wait that long. Can't be shorter, as I think we have less than 20% of the "lost sheep" found so far!
  2. WHERE? Sandakan, as that's where our alma mater St. Mary's is.
  3. WHAT? The highlight would be a ball at a hotel say the Ramada (formerly Sabah Hotel) with dinner, a live band belting out oldies, shows, speeches, lucky draws, contest for the most youngest looking, most mature looking, most hair, least hair, etc. However, one evening will not be enough to catch up with everybody. So there should be some lunch and/or dinner buffet before the day of the ball event. This would allow everyone to freely mix around. During or after the buffet, there should be some workshop sessions for each to talk about himself followed by Q&A.
  4. HOW? A souvenir booklet will be produced. Advertisement from companies owned or associated by some of us will help towards the cost of the publication and the costs of organising the re-union.
So Richard as you meet differnt ones you can remind them to generate more ideas. Before I sign off, remember don't comment on the above proposals yet at this stage - instead let us hear your ideas.

Name: Hubert

19 August 2008

Life after St. Mary's - Hubert

Well, Ronnie had written his - see the comments under the trip to Telupid. So I better do mine and I hope others will follow suit.

Kwan Kar Choi (Edmond), Julius Ho, Khoo Pui Guan and I went to UK together to study. We were kindly met by Albert Goh who took care of us in London. Then after that we went our separate ways, with Edmond staying at London, Julius and Pui Guan to North England (Teeside?) and myself to Nottingham, Robin Hood's 'home', where I pursued a degree in Quantity Surveying.

I spent my third year training in Southampton and after graduation in 1977, worked in London until I got a job with the Mass Transit Railway in Hong Kong in April 1979. Never thought of going to or settling down in HK - I thought if someone paid me an air ticket more than halfway to Malaysia, why not take the job?

I met my wife in the office and that's the main reason why I stayed back in HK. I had visited Canada a few times and liked it very much and as my parents and siblings (by 1980) have all emigrated to Canada, I would have liked to join them but alas Quantity Surveyors are unheard of in Canada. I would not want to change my profession. I did apply to Australia vis-a-vis the perceived threat of China's control after 1997 and was asked by the Australian embassy to go for an interview but as my parents preferred me to join them in Canada, I did not proceed further with the application.

My Malaysian passport is the last resort in case things went sour after 1997, so I did not bother with going elsewhere.

I worked for various companies but stayed with China Light & Power longest (20 years). Now I'm working with a QS consultant looking after one of the Phases of the Venetian Hotel & Resorts project in Macau.

Although I have met a few of you, on and off, I think I'm the loneliest one as far as being able to see our former classmates. In fact, apart from Robert Foo, I have not seen anyone of you guys at least over the last 13 years and the majority of you since St Mary's days. How I yearn to see you all in our re-union!

Name: Hubert (Most of you knew me as Henry Hiew but as there were a few Henry Hiews around in Sabah I thought Hubert would be cool and so have adopted it since don't know when, maybe soon after landing in UK!)

12 August 2008



The camping trip was organised by Thomas Siew in Form 4 to Telupid.

As much as I would like to join, my father would not allow me to go so I gave it a miss. Then, how did I laid my hand on the photo? No idea!

I remembered the gang (without me) were supposed to camp in the open but somehow, they sweet talked the local school Principal to allow them to camp overnight inside a class room.... in the photo, are Sim Kang Loon, Hubert Hiew and Ho Chi Ming.

Were the two lying down ,,, Thomas Siew and Chung Tze Ting?

Thomas Siew kept telling me that he would get me his old photos for posting on the blog but .......

Kon Sang

Jumping for Joy

Dear All, This is what Clement wrote first before my posting. Sorry for the confusion.

Our blog is so quiet.... maybe you can post this on our blog.

I used to be able to post the e-mail but with the latest change made to safe guard it, I am out and cannot post it anymore!

Kon Sang

----- Original Message -----
From: Management Department, KK(Web Mail)
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 3:59 PM
Subject: Jumping For Joy


I believe this photo was taken after our Form 5 examination... hooray, the exam was at last over!

But then, we had to go our separate ways (I mean the whole class and not just those featured in the photo) ..... Some continued our Form 6 in St Mary's ... 3 (including me) went to KK to study Form 6 in La Salle. Sim Kang Loon went to work in MAS. Sandakan.... etc etc

Now after 38 long years, (1970 - 2008) we are trying to re-establish contacts again.

Some are still in Sandakan, a few in K Kinabalu, some in Australia (Edward Chik, James Chai, Richard Chan), one in New Zealand (Ho Chee Min) also in Canada (Victor Ng, Chong Nyuk Woo, Robert Fu) , USA (Camillo Cheng, Chung Tze Ting) and HK ( Hubert Hiew).

Gosh, we were all then in the same class room in Sandakan in 1970!

Kon Sang
Name: Hubert

Jumping for Joy

Thanks Clement. I didn't even remember having this fantastic photo taken. Can you remember where it was taken and who is that guy with his face blocked? I must admit I haven't tried hard to search my old photos in my "attic" where my Mrs. kept all what she considers "junks"!!!

Other guys, come on, send me some old photos and also your recent ones too as I haven't seen most of your faces since we separated after Form 3,5 or 6 as the case maybe.

Name: Hubert

28 June 2008

Form 3 Class Photo

Dear fellas,
Here are two versions of Form 3 Class Photos, the top one with courtesy of Kwan Kar Choi and the other courtesy of James Chai. Now can somebody tell me why there are two versions??? I'm confused! It's interesting to read the names (if your aging eyes can read and see the distorted photo) - honestly, had it not been for the name list, I wouldn't have known that some of our classmates had ever existed!
Name: Hubert

19 June 2008

Hubert's Family Photo

It's been very quiet these few weeks. Has the novelty of our blog worn off? Hope not!

Just heard from Ronnie. I would very much like to see his latest photo. And those of most of you guys as well! Here's mine - not a proper saloon taken one. Richard, the one you sent me is a very good one of your family. Would you like to post it?

Name: Hubert

09 June 2008

FW: picture on airport roundabout

Ka Hiew,
Thanks for your recalling of the day out. BUt why did we stop at the roundabout?

Hubert Hiew

Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 20:22:05 -0700
Subject: picture on airport roundabout

If I can remember very well, we were on our way back after a class visit to see our "ancestors" at the Sepilok Orong Utan Centre at mile 14, with Mr. George Zakara. Am I right ? 
Sin Ka Hiew 

FW: Blog for St Mary's Old Boys 1970

Hi Jorgy (your name always remind me of that nice Seekers' pop song "Georgy Girl"),
Thanks for the lovely photo of yours. Maybe next time include the rest of the extended family! Well, this blog with our old photos is the time machine!

Hubert Hiew

Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 21:10:32 +0800
Subject: Re: Blog for St Mary's Old Boys 1970

Hi Hubert,
thanks for the guide and manage to see the blog and the pics! Wow! imagine how happy all of us during those years.
Anyone have the time machine??? This pic of me taken in Dec,2007. Well guys! i am kungkung now with 6 grandchildren(3boys n 3girls)having ONLY ONE wife.

Chi Hwa Beach

Hubert, I think you were correct, the group photo in front of the atap house is likely to be along Sandy Plain ( Bah Sai Kong).
This attached photo must be at Chi Hwa Beach. The bare chest man introduced by me was Tommy Siew... Hubert in his jacket was wondering why always the attention on Tommy when he was obviously more handsome! Lawrence Chung Hee Meng was looking the other way and having none of this nonsense... his body language said it all... I did not belong to this gang... I was the pillar of the Ming Sing gang. .....Chung Tze Ting and Chiang Pin Thiam looked on as innocent supporting actors.
Tommy has agreed to look for old photos to post on the blog.... meanwhile he is again flying off to China on 10 June.... he saw the blog and told me that he would be searching for some old photos to share with you all.
Kon Sang

07 June 2008

Labuk Road Primary

Thanks Edward. Ka Hiew, are you talking about these photos? I think the first one is Primary 5 and the second is Pri 6. A few faces coming back to me e.g. Bonaventure (spelling?) Very interesting - pity they are not clear enough to identify some of the faces. I think I have lost these photos or I could not afford to buy them then? I think I was standing in the back row in both photos - first from the left. Didn't know I was that fashion conscious, with the Elvis hairstyle and turned up sleeves (trend in those days).

Hubert Hiew

Hi Hubert,

I found these photos in my album. Two of them should be in primary 6( I think) and the other is our form five farewell party. You may want to put it on the blog.


06 June 2008

Golfinger & His Boys


Remember the party....could not figure out whether its Form 3 or Form 5... likely to be Form 5 judging from our age at the time. But I thought the party was staged outside Form 3 class?

Once, Tommy Siew was late for school and he tried to sneak in from the Teachers Quarters and through the banana trees outside our Form 4 class.Goldfinger saw him from the Principal office window and caught Tommy .... asked to see him (Goldfinger) after school. Tommy was asked to explain why he was late! His explanation was simple .... that morning, he took the wrong bus.... he boarded the Leila Road bus instead of the Labuk Rd bus! As you know, St Mary's is situated along Labuk Rd and is served by Labuk Road Bus Company.

Also once in Form 4, somebody put a big limestone rock in Tommy school bag... he carried it home and next day when he opened his school bag in class, he was surprised to find the rock inside .... it went to show he never opened his school bag to study when at home!..

Kon Sang

05 June 2008

Inventing Bombs for bin Laden?

Thanks. It seems only Camillo managed to apply this skill in life. As for me, it's been a total waste of time (doing the extensive non-stop homework dished out by Balam Goong) for a quantity surveyor!!!.

Hubert Hiew

Subject: Photos
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 00:50:08 -0700

Are you familiar with these pictures? Regards Victor

04 June 2008

At Sandakan Airport Roundabout

I have posted 2 photos on our Form 5 outing ... see the happy faces on us before we ventured into the larger society to face the reality of life!
One photo (of the smaller group) is on the "Kampong Dog" gang members headed by Tommy Siew (who was not in that picture). The core members were Tommy Siew, Sim Kang Loon, Chang Kon Sang (ie myself. Hubert Hiew, Chung Tze Ting & Pang Mui Poh (correct spelling?).
The other gang is the "Ming Sing" (Movie Star) gang, some members whom you see in the other photo. As pointed out in Edward Chik/ Robert Fu posting, the Ming Sing gang members (ie including Edward and Robert) were the most sought after guys in town at that time.... still remember that Robert Fu had his much envied girl friend, Bernadette Kan, during his Form 5 days!
Of course, Hubert Hiew had the look of the Ming Sing gang and Tommy Siew always asked him to leave the Kampong Dog gang as he looked too handsome to be a gang member, Tommy was less harsh on Chung Tze Ting who equally possessed good look!
From the photo of the larger group, spot Tommy Siew (above Robert Fu and Ho Chi Min)? I was above Sim Kang loon and Edward Chik!. Some did not belong to either gang like Francis Fong, Camillo Cheng, Koh Chiat Hong, Kwan Kar Choi, Chong Vun Hing etc
Was the teacher Mr Zakaria ..... The Biology Teacher? 
Was the roundabout the one on the way to the Sandakan Airport?
Kon Sang ( Clement)

31 May 2008

Group Photo

I think the group photo is a bit blurred and its hard for me to recognise all of them... Near me, I think its Sim Kang Loon, Chong Ken Foh, Chang Kon Sang (ie myself), a tall boy (who is he?), Thomas Siew, Chung Tze Ting, Ho Chi Min, Koh Chiat Hong, Khoo Pui Chew, James Chai, Edward Chik, Sin Ka Hiew....
Above Jorgy Juana is Kenneth Awang.
I remember we have a Kadazan boy by the name of Jimmy Gimbak in our class but cannot recognise him from the photo? He must be the only Kadazan boy in our class. I got to know more Kadazans after coming over to Kota Kinabalu La Salle for Lower & Upper Six.
Re the St Mary's Town School Primary Six party, I cannot find the likeness of myself there.... was I there? But I remember there was another St Mary's Boy party held in Frederick Ong house down Singapore Street... it was held at night .... and there because Dennis Ong (Frederick Ong elder brother) was our Primary Six teacher? Anybody from the Town School remember this party?  What about some of our old St Mary's boys in Sandakan getting Dr Frederick Ong onto our old boy network?
Wow, the photo taken at the beach....was it Chi Hwa Beach? We were all boys then, young, innocent and idealistic .... (now do we all have hidden secrets and far from innocent?) I used to go to Chi Hwa Beach and remember the atap house.............. Hubert Hiew must also do!
Just attach my recent photo taken in April 2008.
Kon Sang

30 May 2008

Primary 6 (Town) Photos

Hi All, (edited by Hubert)
These two scanned photos of St.Mary's (town) Primary 6 with Father Windrom will bring bring back memories. I'd scanned them in as high a resolution as possible so we can 'zoom' in to get a better view. Will see if I can find Form3 class photo. Apologies to those of you from the St. Mary's (Mile 2) - do you have a photo of Primary 6? Could we all help to name those present in the first photo please? Especially the girls (ladies now).
If my memories is correct ..
Benjamin Chan (kneeling)
Seated are the Ladies: Fr.Windrom in the centre....

Ist row standing: ? ? VictorNg ChongNyukFong LawrenceChong
ChaiHingWing ? Chong? EdmundKwan? CamilloCheng JuliusHo ChongManTat ? RjandraPatel ? Tan?(nickname prawnhead) Yousef Humdan Dahalan JorgyJuana MichaelChia

2nd row: ? JamesChiang MichaelHo AlbertKoh LimFookMing ? RichardChan ChanSuOnn ? HoHingWai LeongYinChoi ?

Apologies to those I'd miss named & I stand corrected on any errors &
please add in those I'd marked ? Please do not take offence on my

Absent(?) are: 3 Tan brothers (KungTuan KungHeng CheeFui), Suliaman
Humdan, JimmyGumbad, AhmedYunis, KenethAwang, JamesChai,TommySiew, HoTzeMing, LeongMingYee, LeeLenFook & Wing, CheahPoLim, WongManKong, etc Can't remeber all (as well as mental block).

Edward - I think the young lady 2 to the right of Fr. W is Selina!!??!!

Cheers & regards,

ChanKianNyak, Richard

Name List of Our Class (Form 5)

Dear All,

I have prepared a list of the names of our class (including the teachers) as far as I can remember. Your input in filling the gap or correcting any names will be much appreciated of course.

Hubert Hiew

27 May 2008

Richard Chan & Clement Chang's Photo

Sorry Richard and Clement, I hope you don't mind I forward this to our blog - I thought this is a good photo of you both.

Hubert Hiew

26 May 2008

How is this one?

Hi, Guys
I hesitated in telling you this one but it's a true story. About two years ago, a former client ("former" because I have changed jobs twice last year in search of greener pastures) wanted my blessing for him to sell a small parcel of blue chip securities. He owned quite a large investment portfolio and his reason for selling a small parcel was to raise some money so that he could go back to Hong Kong for a month holiday to catch up with his former school mates and former work colleagues. I gave him my blessing and strongly encouraged him to make the trip since he was still quite fit at the ripe old age of 82 albeit he needed a walking stick to steady his steps. His mind was sharper than yours and he was able to track his investments very well.
A few months later, he walked into my office and I asked him, "Mr Chan, how was your Hong Kong holiday and did you manage to catch up with your former school mates and ex-colleagues?" There was a minute of silence and an audible sigh from him before he answered, "No, I didn't get to meet any of my buddies." "Why?", I asked. With a choke in his throat, he answered, "They are all gone, every single one of them, no longer on earth."
Within months after his return from Hong Kong, his health deteriorated quickly and he nearly collapsed on Wickham Street in Chinatown while walking with me to have some yum-cha. I suggested there and then that we should skip yum-cha since he was in no condition to climb up to a "yum-cha-lau" (literally yum-cha in a tower where you would need to climb up a staircase). Shortly after that incident, his wife who was a few years younger, told me that he could no longer walk. His investments were slipping out of his control, and sadly, he couldn't trust any of his grown-up children who were residing in Hong Kong, America and Australia.
The moral of this story? Don't leave our reunion until we couldn't walk or couldn't eat too much because of our cholesterol level. You all remember how skinny I was in school. I'm still skinny and it doesn't worry me. What worries me is my rising cholesterol level which means I need to be very careful with my diet.

FW: What time can do

Dear All,
I think this is cute and so would like to share this with some who may not have read this!

Hubert Hiew

Subject: What time can do
Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 19:57:07 +1000

Hi guys,
At one time or another, Robert Foo and I are amongst the most sought after bachelors in Sandakan. If you look at the 1970s photo you will no doubt understand why. However after 30 years, it is another story as evidenced by he second photo. Have we got another 30 years? I guess it is really time for us all to get together and see for ourselves how much time have change us and to share some good old times stories while we still can. We have to make this reunion a reality and soon too.

Hotmail on your mobile. Never miss another e-mail with

21 May 2008

Send yur messages or comments/Selected Previous Emails

Some selected previous mails below. You can post new messages or post your comments. You need a gmail account. If you do not have one, use this one: and the password is "Goldfinger". Don't forget to sign off with your name!

Dear All Old boys of St. Mary's (Form 5 1970 batch), How are you all? I trust you are all well. I managed to keep in constant touch with Clement Chang only. So it was good to hear from Richard Chan again. Then I thought of establishing a contact list of all the old boys of St. Mary's (Form 5 1970 batch). Hence this email to all you guys. The list should capture all the old boys from the 1970 Form 5 Class A (others may also be considered) and each and everyone of us should pitch in to expand this initial list of 5 people only. For those who receive this email (now and subsequent to this first email of mine), please
1. complete the attached excel list
2. forward this email with the updated excel file to those with whom you keep in touch, AND copy to all in the mailing list.
With our network list,
1. we can plan our re-union say in 2013 when most of us would be at least 60 years old and would have retired and therefore should be free to travel
2. we can keep in touch by emailing to one another no matter in which corner of the earth we are living.
Looking forward to hearing from you all, Regards,Hubert Hiew
Hi All, Wonderful!! Hubert had the jump on me, thanks. Much appreciated. I hadbeen slowly getting emails of the few of us and through other contactsto meet up with old class mates. Guess we are all getting on in lifeand the wish of seeing old school friensds gets stronger every year.(speaking personally that is). Richard

Hi All,

I hope & wish this will snowball into a good source of information for"lost" contacts. Thanks Hubert for the extra info on Bros Xavier &Frederick. Edward told us about Victor & Fu Ka Hung but not sure ifthey use emails. Lee Len Hock & L.L.Wing (the twins) are in Sandakan; contact LawrenceChong to find them. As well as Kwan Sang Ming (he was in the townprimary but drop back a year @ Primary 4, I think. Hubert, I'd sent the Old Boys List in a separate email as well - mycomputer at home is playing up. The Form 5 photo is curtesy of EdwardChik (he'd sent that to me a few years back). Cheers,Richard
Hi, Guys

Jude Ng has taught us some useful lessons about life. In some way, many of us have been living like Robinson Crusoe, all alone by ourselves on our little islands. The only thing that has helped us in maintaining our sanity is our daily talking companions, our wives. Friday was Robinson's talking companion and he (Friday) was the reason Robinson was able to carry on living on his island.

What I wanted to say is that it is unsatisfactory for us to carry on living like Robinson, even with our Fridays by our side. We need to get off our little islands and re-establish contact and re-build relationships with our former school mates. Life has a lot more to offer us than our hitherto Robinson-like existence.

Welcome, Victor, to our growing club

James Chai

A blog for our club!

Well fellas, I think a blog will be another if not better means of communication with one another. I just learned to create blog so please be patient and bear with me. I need to post this first. In the meantime I have to figure out if it is possible to insert our details somewhere instead of the Excel file.