Name List

  • 1st Row Sitting from Left to Right : Jorgy Juana, Sulaiman Hamdan, Camillo Cheng, Mr Mathew, Bro Aidan, Mr Punose, Mr Thomas, Bro Raphael, Ms Raffle, Bro Frederick, Mr George Zechary, Dahlan Anud, Orlando Tann, Jimmy Augustin. 2nd Row Standing from Left to Right : Kenneth Awang, Arpa Mapaireh, Chong Nyuk Woo, Wong Man Kong, Chin Lee Wah, Chong Voon Hing, Chu Sai Kee, Hiew Hon Hiung, Chiang Piang Thiam, Francis Fong, Phun Vui Poo, Julius Ho, Chung Hee Menn, Fu Ka Hung, Kwan Kar Choi. 3rd Standing From Left to Right : Wahid Wahab, Ibrahim Said, Chong Nyuk Fong, Jimmy Gimbad, Victor Ng Jong Fui, Sim Kang Loon, Chong Ken Foh, Chang Kon Sang, Sunarchin Kama, Tommy Siew, Chung Tze Ting, Ho Tze Meng, Koh Chiat Hong, Khoo Puay Guan, James Chai, Edward Chik, Sin Ka Hiew.

14 June 2009

Tommy Says

Hello Everybody,

I am trying to post on the blog for the very first time.

I am surprised to read that I have so much $$$$$ and I thought it was indeed a sweet dream and I don't want to wake up and also afraid to wake up to face the cruel reality of life..

Clement is too kind to me to tell you all that I enjoy such "luxury" in life and that was because he only saw one side of the coin ... seeing me spending all my $$$ in true Bumiputra spirit.

My philosophy in life is from "From Dust We Come and To Dust Shall We Return" and for every dollar I earn, I want to spend $1.10 if i could and I would .... I am a Born Free Man to live my full life in this world and do not want to have regrets in life later .... Amen!

I prefer my own life style - as we do not know what tomorrow will bring you. I want to enjoy and see this pleasant world whilst I can still walk and exist on this planet. This is my way of finding happiness and fulfillment in life...... I don't care what other people think of me as I do not owe anyone a living. As long as I earn a decent living, enough to lead my care-free life style and do no bad deed against my conscience, I will have peace in mind, here and hereafter. I am a believer of the philosophy of "Cause & Effect" meaning "You Sow What You Reap".

Whenever I am in a position to do so, I do charity and community work ... giving small donations and leading young people who are lost in their path and "coach" them back to the right track in their life journey - morally and physically - to find love again!

Even now, sometimes I am also lost myself and need to seek love and happiness before I sing Auld Lang Sye- that's the irony of life!

Tommy (Kota Kinabalu)


St. Mary's Old Boys - 1970 said...

Dear Tommy,

Well done for this first posting! You are getting quite philosophical! I like the reminder that from dust we come and to dust we return. Do you still remember what you heard when I took you to some gospel meeting in Sandakan regarding the lost sheep? That's what you used to talk about.

Anyway, it's good to hear from you and that you are doing well.


St. Mary's Old Boys - 1970 said...

Hi Tommy,

Are you trying to found a new religion?

As Hubert says, you are so philosophical .... a great thinker in your advanced age ... you should rightly be called the "Confucius of Sabah"!

In your community service, when nursing young people back to the right path of love, don't forget to enlist mine and Ronny help! We are always there when you need us.....

Kon Sang

St. Mary's Old Boys - 1970 said...

Well, I must say I'm skeptical on "nursing young people back to the right path of love".
