Name List

  • 1st Row Sitting from Left to Right : Jorgy Juana, Sulaiman Hamdan, Camillo Cheng, Mr Mathew, Bro Aidan, Mr Punose, Mr Thomas, Bro Raphael, Ms Raffle, Bro Frederick, Mr George Zechary, Dahlan Anud, Orlando Tann, Jimmy Augustin. 2nd Row Standing from Left to Right : Kenneth Awang, Arpa Mapaireh, Chong Nyuk Woo, Wong Man Kong, Chin Lee Wah, Chong Voon Hing, Chu Sai Kee, Hiew Hon Hiung, Chiang Piang Thiam, Francis Fong, Phun Vui Poo, Julius Ho, Chung Hee Menn, Fu Ka Hung, Kwan Kar Choi. 3rd Standing From Left to Right : Wahid Wahab, Ibrahim Said, Chong Nyuk Fong, Jimmy Gimbad, Victor Ng Jong Fui, Sim Kang Loon, Chong Ken Foh, Chang Kon Sang, Sunarchin Kama, Tommy Siew, Chung Tze Ting, Ho Tze Meng, Koh Chiat Hong, Khoo Puay Guan, James Chai, Edward Chik, Sin Ka Hiew.

03 September 2016


One of the delights during the Welcome Dinner was to take a memorable snapshot with Brother Aidan and that was what most Old Boys did ...........

Starting with .....

Kon Sang

Francis Fong

Hee Menn

Kar Choi

Vui Poh

John Liau

Chong Tze Fah

Two Old Boys who did not provide a snapshot with Brother Aidan were Leong Ming Yee and Sim Kang Loong. But they were in the 3 Group Photos.

These are memorable snapshots with Brother Aidan who taught us in Form 4 and 5 in St Mary's Secondary School, Sandakan.

After dinner, a few bid farewell to Brother Aidan but some stayed back to enjoy a TGIF drink with Brother Aidan ... and a live band to add to the glamour of the nite until 11 pm.

It was a Good Good Nite on 2 September 2016

2 Sept 2016


On 2 September 2016, our St Mary Class of 70 gave a Welcome Dinner to Brother Aidan who flew in from Dublin the night before.

Sometime in May, Kon Sang received a surprise call from our St Mary school mate, Philip Ng, that Brother Aidan would be visiting Kota Kinabalu, arriving on 1 September and departing for Manila on 5 September. Our Class of 70 was given the honour to host a dinner for Brother Aidan on 2 September.

Accepting that honour, we circulated the good news amongst Old Boys in Sandakan and Kota Kinabalu. We immediately had Chung Hee Menn, Francis Fong, Leong Ming Yee, Pang Vui Po, Sim Kang Loong, Kwan Kar Choi and Chang Kon Sang confirming their attendance. Later, Chong Tze Fah was invited and John Liau also confirmed to make a total of 9 Old Boys +1 Brother Aidan = 10.

Hee Menn was the one to choose the Dinner venue and book a private room for 10 - a good choice befitting the occasion.

On 2 September eveining, Kon Sanag left his office together with Francis Fong at 6 pm, driving to Tanjong Aru to fetch Brother Aidan at 6,30 pm and arriving at 7 pm in La Vintage Grill Bar near Penampang for dinner. All in good time as scheduled.

Dinner was a 3 course Western dinner of roast lamb or chicken. Francis Fong brought along two bottles of wines to grace the occasion. He also took the initiative of printing of our Old Boys Reunion Souvenir Magaznes commenorating our November 2011 and March 2016 reunion in new covers for Brother Aidan. During this TGIF nite, our old boys all queued up to be photographed with Brother Aidan. Group phots was of course - obligatory! We also thought it would be a good idea to give cash (instead of gifts in kind) as pocket money to Brother Aidan to cover his sundry expenses during his Sabah stay and many did give him "ang pows." 

Hubert Hiew (from Hong Kong) and Khen Foh (who could not join us as he was a key presenter in Tokio Marine Convention in K Lumpur on the same day) asked Kon Sang to say "Hi" and show their recent snapshots to Brother Aidan to trigger his memory of his star pupils. Francis Fong also showed photos of Old Boys featured in the souvenir magazine to him at the dinner table.

After dinner some left but Hee Menn proposed that we should proceed to the bar for Tiger Beer with Brother Aidan. Against the background live music from the resident band, Hee Menn,  Kon Sang, Kang Loong and Tze Fah stayed back to talk about old time with Brother Aidan late into the night.

After a good good nite, Kon Sang sent Brother Aidan back to his La Salle residence in
Tanjong Aru at 11 pm.

Dinner talk with Brother Aidan in La Vintage 

Francis to present the two Reunion Souvenir Magazines to Brother Aidan

Reading the Greeting Card with Old Boys messages and Francis holding the souvenor magazines ready for presentation to Brother Aidan.

Brother Aidan receiving our Reunion Magazines from Francis Fong.

New covers of our two Reunion Souvenir Magazines to mark our November 2011 & March 2016 reunion in Sandakan.

2 September 2016

01 September 2016


Khen Foh has been a regular traveller to Kota Kinabalu but always managed to squeeze time off his busy schedule to meet up with KK Old Boys.

Hee Menn, Kon Sang & Kar Choi always remembered with fondness their happy time in Sandakan during our Double Happiness Reunion when Khen Foh played the perfect host .

In KK on Merdeka Day, Khen Foh expressed his wish to check out on the Roti Tissue which he heard so much about and seeing is believing - he was indeed marvelled at its towering height when it was served and it went so well with curry beef and curry mutton.

Kar Choi could not join us for Roti Tissue as he was overseas but would be back in KK just in time for the next big event - St Mary Old Boys Class of 70 Welcome Dinner in La Vintage Restaurant for Brother Aidan who taught us in Form 4 & 5.


09 August 2016


On Friday, 25 March evening, Francis Fong hosted a Reunion Dinner at his residence in Sandakan attended by KK (Kar Choi, Hee Menn, Kon Sang) and our Sandakan Old Boys.

During the Dinner, Francis Fong proudly launched the 2nd Edition of our St Mary Old Boys Souvenir Magazine.

 St Mary's Old Boys Class of 70 Group Photo.

Old Boys showing off St Mary Old Boys Souvenir Magazine 2nd Edition

St Mary Old Boys with Francis Fong Family

We were the last table left drinking and chatting away as Francis saw off most of his dinner guests. Only then a much relieved Francis was able to join us for chit chat, yam sing and a group photograph whilst kept reminding Khen Foh to take care of the three KK Old Boys on the following day.

Posted - 9 August 2016


On Friday, 25 March 2016, our Sandakan Old Boys arranged for an afternoon jog in Sandakan Rainforest Park for Kar Choi and Kon Sang when they flew in to Sandakan from Kota Kinabalu for the Double Happiness St Mary Old Boys Reunion in Sandakan.

Khen Foh was there at the Airport to extend his warm welcome on behalf of our Sandakan Old Boys.

In a way, the afternoon jog was Khen Foh way of putting the KK Visitors to a Fitness Test. Kar Choi went through it in flying colours but Kon Sang was seen struggling and wanting to be snapshot at every turn. It was his way of taking a breather along the trail without been seen to be unfit and out of breath.

 Old Boys posing for a group photo before the Jog

Scaling the slope with all still looking fit and smiling for the camera.


At the top of the Jogging Trail.

At the base cafe, all the participating Old Boys relished the ice cold drinks before they went back to change for the Reunion Dinner in Francis Fong residence.

Posted : 9 August 2016

12 February 2016


On the 5th Day of CNY, Ken Foh and Vui Poo who were visiting K Kinabalu met with some KK Old Boys for a satay feast and cool Heineken beer in KK town.

It was a day after Ken Foh birthday which he celebrated in K Kinablau and Vui Poh also came over to spend CNY with his daughter in Menggatal. So, a meeting after CNY was a bright idea pursued by Ken Foh with Hee Menn and KK Old Boys who could spare the time responded with enthusiasm to the call.

It was brilliantly proposed by Ken Foh that all Old Boys should wear CNY red to the meet. Despite initial reservation, Hee Menn , the Organiser, relented and put on a CNY red polo. Kon Sang went home during lunch hour to change from his office attire into something CNY red. Leong Ming Yee also had to look for a red shirt although CNY red is not his popular colour. You could imagine the utter dismay when HM, KS and LMY found, the proposer - Ken Foh, was donning a dark tone polo!  Neither did KChoi put on CNY red although he messaged his support for Kfoh motion on CNY red ! Vui Poh could be excused as he might have run out of anything red, being from outstation, after wearing red on 3 consecutive days - from 1st to 3rd Day of CNY. 

Notwithstanding our diversity in different tones of red, we all enjoyed our meet over beef and chicken satay in a coffee shop followed by cool Heineken in air condition comfort inside Mad Ben along Gaya Street from 3-6 pm.

Not forgetting to thank Hee Menn for picking up the bill for the delicious satay and Vui Poh for the cool and refreshing drinks.

12 February 2016.

24 January 2016


Contacted on Friday by Ken Foh for a meet up during his visit to K Kinabalu ( 22-24 Jan 2016), we eventually met up in Kedai Kopi Shin Hin from 2 - 5 pm on a Sunday afternoon.

At 2 pm, Kon Sang fetched Ken Foh from KPJ Hospital and Kar Choi from his luxury condominium and headed towards Dongongong. We were indeed pleasantly surprised when Sim Kang Loong turned up at our hi tea gathering despite his busy schedule. Our regulars - Tommy, Kar Choi, Ken Foh & Kon Sang - were there too.

Francis Fong also called in from Sandakan and had a good chat with Kang Loong and reminded us of the upcoming March 2016 reunion in Sandakan.

It was indeed a delightful afternoon hi tea when Old Boys shared their tales with each other before we dispersed.

Sunday 24.1.2016

15 January 2016


Sandakan Old Boys hosted a Welcome Dinner for our Victor Ng back from Vancouver for a home coming visit in conjunction with our Sandakan Old Boys New Year gathering.

The New Year cum Welcome Dinner was hosted in Kenalanmu Seafood Restaurant. First to arrive was Piang Thian at 6.30 pm sharp before Victor Ng was ushered in by Francis Wong. Streaming in later were Vui Poo, Sang Ling, Lawrence Lee Len Wing , Chai Heng Wing and Stephen Ng.

Hosted jointly by Ken Foh and Francis Fong, the dinner menu included Cold & Hot Mixed Dish, Lamb Chops, Vegetables, a 1.3 Kg Steamed Fish, Fried Prawns in Egg Yolk, Deep Fried Whole Chicken, Fried Bitter Gourd in Duck Egg Yolk and Mixed Fruits for dessert.

Victor Ng was gracious  to share his Sunrider products with us over dinner and invited all DOMS to visit him in Vancouver. Victor would welcome and take care of our visiting Old Boys during their stay in Vancouver. 
He would be leaving Sandakan for K Lumpur on the following day (14 January) on his onward 5 Day Tour in Bangkok. We all wished Victor a Happy Holiday and safe trip back to Vancouver.

The Grand Dinner started at 8.20 pm and finished at 9.30 pm.

05 January 2016


On Sunday evening (3 January 2016), we welcome the New Year with a gathering and to also to welcome Victor Ng who came home for a short break.

Old Boys started to arrive at the roof top Blu Sky Bar shortly after 5.30 pm and by 6 pm, our old boys were happily chatting away when Victor Ng and his brother in law (Richard Lo) were ushered in by Kar Choi.

We chatted, drank and dined at Grandis Hotel Blu Sky Bar from 5.30 - 9 pm before calling it a night.

Victor would be flying back to Sandakan on Monday evening and our Old Boys in Sandakan would similarly wanna meet up Victor over dinner.

The following Old Boys attended our KK New Year gathering hosted by Kar Choi , Tommy and Kon Sang :-

1) Khoo Puay Guan
2) Chong Tze Fah
3) Wong Wan Kong
4) Tommy Siew
5) Kwan Kar Choi
6) Chang Kon Sang
7) Victor Ng
8) Richard Lo ( Victor Brother in Law)

Absent with Apology/ Invited but Could Not Make It
9)  Chung Hee Meng
10) Leong Min Yee
11) Sim Kang Loong
12) John Liau

It was our 1st 2016 Old Boys Gathering in Kota Kinabalu and it was a meeting of happy faces (in Hee Meng words when he saw our gathering photos on the chat group and sent in his apology)

Hubert Hiew also messaged his New Year Greetings and Well Wishes to us when he received photos of our New Year Gathering what apps to him in Hong Kong.
