On 2 September 2016, our St Mary Class of 70 gave a Welcome Dinner to Brother Aidan who flew in from Dublin the night before.
Sometime in May, Kon Sang received a surprise call from our St Mary school mate, Philip Ng, that Brother Aidan would be visiting Kota Kinabalu, arriving on 1 September and departing for Manila on 5 September. Our Class of 70 was given the honour to host a dinner for Brother Aidan on 2 September.
Accepting that honour, we circulated the good news amongst Old Boys in Sandakan and Kota Kinabalu. We immediately had Chung Hee Menn, Francis Fong, Leong Ming Yee, Pang Vui Po, Sim Kang Loong, Kwan Kar Choi and Chang Kon Sang confirming their attendance. Later, Chong Tze Fah was invited and John Liau also confirmed to make a total of 9 Old Boys +1 Brother Aidan = 10.
Hee Menn was the one to choose the Dinner venue and book a private room for 10 - a good choice befitting the occasion.
On 2 September eveining, Kon Sanag left his office together with Francis Fong at 6 pm, driving to Tanjong Aru to fetch Brother Aidan at 6,30 pm and arriving at 7 pm in La Vintage Grill Bar near Penampang for dinner. All in good time as scheduled.
Dinner was a 3 course Western dinner of roast lamb or chicken. Francis Fong brought along two bottles of wines to grace the occasion. He also took the initiative of printing of our Old Boys Reunion Souvenir Magaznes commenorating our November 2011 and March 2016 reunion in new covers for Brother Aidan. During this TGIF nite, our old boys all queued up to be photographed with Brother Aidan. Group phots was of course - obligatory! We also thought it would be a good idea to give cash (instead of gifts in kind) as pocket money to Brother Aidan to cover his sundry expenses during his Sabah stay and many did give him "ang pows."
Hubert Hiew (from Hong Kong) and Khen Foh (who could not join us as he was a key presenter in Tokio Marine Convention in K Lumpur on the same day) asked Kon Sang to say "Hi" and show their recent snapshots to Brother Aidan to trigger his memory of his star pupils. Francis Fong also showed photos of Old Boys featured in the souvenir magazine to him at the dinner table.
After dinner some left but Hee Menn proposed that we should proceed to the bar for Tiger Beer with Brother Aidan. Against the background live music from the resident band, Hee Menn, Kon Sang, Kang Loong and Tze Fah stayed back to talk about old time with Brother Aidan late into the night.
After a good good nite, Kon Sang sent Brother Aidan back to his La Salle residence in
Tanjong Aru at 11 pm.
Dinner talk with Brother Aidan in La Vintage
Francis to present the two Reunion Souvenir Magazines to Brother Aidan
Reading the Greeting Card with Old Boys messages and Francis holding the souvenor magazines ready for presentation to Brother Aidan.
New covers of our two Reunion Souvenir Magazines to mark our November 2011 & March 2016 reunion in Sandakan.
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